Synovial Tissue Antigen Elisa Capture Assay

ExoQuant? Overall Exosome Capture and Quantification ELISA Assay Kit (Human Plasma, Colorimetric)

K1201-100 each
EUR 1161.6

Antigen Elisa Laboratories manufactures the synovial tissue antigen elisa capture assay reagents distributed by Genprice. The Synovial Tissue Antigen Elisa Capture Assay reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact antigen elisa. Other Synovial products are available in stock. Specificity: Synovial Category: Tissue Group: Antigen Elisa

Canine True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 3545

Canine True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 310

Canine True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 1940

Canine True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 475

Rat True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 3290

Rat True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 295

Rat True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 1800

Antigen Elisa information

Rat Bone Joint Tissue Preparation Buffer: Normal Synovial Cell

9-80216 1 x 100 ml
EUR 132.3

Tissue, Section, Human Tumor, Bone Tumor, Synovial Sarcoma (Paraffin)

MBS640605-5Sections 5Sections
EUR 510

Tissue, Section, Human Tumor, Bone Tumor, Synovial Sarcoma (Paraffin)

MBS640605-5x5Sections 5x5Sections
EUR 2145

Human Bone Joint Tissue Preparation Buffer: Normal Synovial Cells

9-80011 1 x 100 ml
EUR 160.65

Mouse Bone Joint Tissue Preparation Buffer: Normal Synovial Cells

9-80122 1 x 100 ml
EUR 160.65

HiPer® Antigen Capture ELISA Teaching Ki

HTI012-4PR 1 unit
EUR 51.75
Description: HiPer® Antigen Capture ELISA Teaching Ki

ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture EVs)

EXOMS110A-4 4 reactions
EUR 478

ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture EVs)

EXOMS111A-8 8 reactions
EUR 849

Avian Influenza A Nucleoprotein Antigen Capture ELISA Kit

DEIA2026 2 x 96T
EUR 992.88
Description: complex sample matrices

Human Synovial Tissue Explant Culture, OA with wet weight determination provided for each explant in Excel spreadsheet

CDD-H-2920-OA-WW Multiwell plate format
EUR 875

Human Synovial Tissue Explant Culture, RA with wet weight determination provided for each explant in Excel spreadsheet

CDD-H-2920-RA-WW Multiwell plate format
EUR 875

Human Synovial Tissue Explant Culture, Normal with wet weight determination provided for each explant in Excel spreadsheet

CDD-H-2920-N-WW Multiwell plate format
EUR 875

Cannabinoid (THC)-HRP Antigen (AG310 (capture))

VAng-Cr3668-1mg 1 mg
EUR 967.2
Description: Cannabinoid (THC)-HRP Antigen, matched pairs: AG310 (capture); Used for ELISA.

Cannabinoid (THC)-HRP Antigen (AG309 (capture))

VAng-Cr3669-1mg 1 mg
EUR 885.6
Description: Cannabinoid (THC)-HRP Antigen, matched pairs: AG309 (capture); Linking Position: Position 8; Used for ELISA.

Syphilis p15/p17/p47 Chimeric Antigen (Capture)

DAGF-012 1 mg
EUR 761.25
Description: Recombinant

Monoclonal Anti-Cancer Antigen CA15-3 (Capture Ab)

MBS355910-1mg 1mg
EUR 1000

Monoclonal Anti-Cancer Antigen CA15-3 (Capture Ab)

MBS355910-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 4200