Measles N Antigen Elisa

Human Salmonella Antigen IgG ELISA Kit

MBS3803561-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the measles n antigen elisa reagents distributed by Genprice. The Measles N Antigen Elisa reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact measles elisa. Other Measles products are available in stock. Specificity: Measles Category: N Group: Antigen Elisa

Mouse True Insulin Antigen(TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 480

Porcine True Insulin Antigen(TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 520

Rat True Insulin Antigen(TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 480

Rabbit True Insulin Antigen(TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 520

Rat True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 3290

Rat True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 295

Rat True Insulin Antigen (TI-Ag) ELISA Kit

EUR 1800

Antigen Elisa information

Mouse anti Measles virus (6017)

MAB12343-500 0.5
EUR 697.86
Description: Mouse monoclonal antibody specific for Measles Virus (clone 6017)

OPEF01328-1ML - Measles Virus Antigen

OPEF01328-1ML 1ml
EUR 556

OPEF01339-1ML - Measles Virus Antigen

OPEF01339-1ML 1ml
EUR 321

Rubeola (Measles) Antigen (Strain Edmonston) Protein

abx069932-1mg 1 mg
EUR 1880.4

Rubeola (Measles) Antigen (Strain Edmonston) Protein

abx069933-500g 500 g
EUR 637.5

Measles Virus Antigen (Partially purified)

DAGA-497 1ml
EUR 524.16
Description: Native

Measles Virus Nucleoprotein (HEK293)

REC31796-100 0.1
EUR 458.37
Description: Recombinant Measles virus Nucleoprotein NP, produced in HEK293 cells. Protein was purified by fractionation of transiently transfected cells.

Measles Virus Nucleoprotein (HEK293)

REC31796-500 0.5
EUR 1606.88
Description: Recombinant Measles virus Nucleoprotein NP, produced in HEK293 cells. Protein was purified by fractionation of transiently transfected cells.

Measles Virus Nucleoprotein Control Antigen

BA102R01 1 mg
EUR 1016


OOSA09767-1ML 1ml
EUR 329

GWB-636184-1ML - Measles (Rubeola) Virus Antigen

GWB-636184-1ML 1ml
EUR 214

Measles (Rubeola) Virus (Edmonston) proteins/antigen extract

MESL15-N-500 500 ul
EUR 416.4

Measles IgG ELISA

GWB-984A72 ELISA_Kits Ask for price

Measles IgG ELISA

E22-HC9118 96T
EUR 495

Measles IgM ELISA

E22-HC9119 96T
EUR 495

Measles IgA ELISA

GWB-83360F ELISA_Kits Ask for price

Measles IgG ELISA

GWB-BQK133 96 Well Plate Ask for price